Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I've been reading a bit about famous, "important" artists. Damn music is too loud and... not my thing really. I'm interested in reading a bit now. I have time. I may be able to connect my inclinations to established lines of thought. All of the arts have splintered in to a million streams. I'm not sure that paying attention to any forefront is important or meaningful. Certainly not for me. I may be free to work backwards, to build myself a bit of context by casting about in the past few hundred years for people and groups of people whose ideas I like.

I'm interested in continuing to work in a quasi-pop context, using the most general structures and concepts as a container for my ideas. I would like to work to keep those containing structures as light-weight as possible.

At the same time, I aspire to make music that is completely devorced from any pop realm, music with no references.

Having trouble dealing with this music.

Maybe I need to try and write at home. Maybe just do emailing at coffee shops. This isn't working.

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